Drum major raw materials are wood and animal skin. Usually the skin is taken from a cow or goat skin. In choosing this skin also requires special expertise. If the goat skin is used, should be selected goats. Goat skin is thicker than the female goat. The thickness of the skin effect on the sound produced and the quality drums. The sound quality is also influenced by the quality of wood, rope and shape quality drums.

In the set of gamelan number bonang there 2 sets of a set consisting of bonang barreled Slendro Bonang Barung (Babok) and "Bonang Penerus" by the number Pencon approximately 12 bar. While Laras pelog in a set consisting of Bonang Barung and "Bonang Penerus", with the number 14 blade Pencon.
The technique of playing or beating bonang with beated with a special bat bonang.
Engineering wasps consist of (a) Gembyang namely how to beat the same two-tone bonang together with a distance of one gembyang (octave).
Example 6 above with a 6 tone down beat together. (B) Mipil ie hitting technique bonang tone in a way one by one in turn.
Example 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 sounded alternately between the left hand with right. (C) the technique Kempyung bonang hit two different tones with a distance of 2 tones together.
Example 5 with 1 tone, tone 6 with two sounded together. (D) Pancer ie hitting one note boning technique more than once continuously.
Example 1 1 1-3 3 3 - and beyond.

Demung gamelan part shaped like a bar but it was bigger saron, serves as pamangku song in serving musicians and also for the wasps balungan gending.
In a set of gamelan demung minimum amount that is there are 2 smart demung Slendro barrel and barrel demung pelog. Today in a single device gamelan instruments ageng number demung often more than one set. The addition doubles the number of devices that aims to make the atmosphere more lively or regeng wasp, so that the goals that you want to accomplish in the arrangement of the accompaniment can be realized. On the other hand, increasing the number of instruments is also to show the impression of colossal or overflowing, so the more attractive audience.

Sharon is part of the gamelan-shaped blade with a smaller size than the demung. To the accompaniment of Javanese wayang kulit easterlies pakeliran 'prototype, consisting of at least 2 sets and 2 sets of Slendro Saron Saron pelog.
The number of blades saron Slendro for Java puppet easterlies have 9 bar, with bar sequence at the start of ringing tone 6 (nem) is low or ageng to tone 3 (lu) high. In Javanese puppetry easterlies saron very dominant role, because saron as a song or melody maker, especially to form gending-gending Sift, Gedog Rancak, Krucilan, and gemblak / alap-alapan. Position the existence saron viewed from the aspect of its function in the accompaniment of Javanese puppetry easterlies can be categorized in groups ricikan working on, because ricikan saron have a variety of twisted developments have now or in accordance with the Pathet her.
And as a sign (landmark) that the wasps will change Pathet, such as in a puppet all night when the atmosphere is changed to Wolu Pathet Pathet Sanga, the development or crooked saronan gending Sift Wolu using pancer 3 (lu). As for his techniques include techniques wasp wasp mbalung, return, and the special techniques kinthilan wasp easterlies Java style.

Technique plays percussion and kenong with beated with a tool called a drum beater. The technique involves engineering tabuhannya nitir wasp, which is a technique that in a single wasp kenong balungan sabetan there are two punch (thuthukan) or punch two times, such as wasps kenong on gising Sampak, techniques ngedhongi wasp, puns, and rocking kenong techniques.

Engineering ricikan slentem wasp in order accompaniment consists of mbalung musicians, Bring, exposure, and pinjalan.
Special techniques, called Bring slentem wasps and exposure is available on Java-style dish karawitan easterlies. In order to function as a serving musicians slentem pamangku song.

Gamelan gong-shaped part pencon. Series of gong instruments consist of kempul, suwukan gongs, gong-barreled Goods, and a large gong (ageng) are arranged on gayor that is the place to hang kempul and gongs. In a free and gamelan accompaniment dish,gong serves as pamangku rhythm and percussion instruments in addition to kenong. While in the accompaniment of puppetry styles to function as provider of Java easterlies accent is heavy pressure in the wasp especially the war scenes, especially in the gending-gending Ayak, Krucilan, alap-alapan or gemblak, and Gedog Rancak.

Is part of gamelan xylophone made of wooden materials in the form of a series or row of the blades of tones that were twenty blades.
How to ring the xylophone is hit with a special percussion xylophone. Function xylophone in serving musicians as pangrengga song.
In one set of gamelan usually consists of two sets of xylophone in the barrel pelog and Slendro.


Siter is part gamelan sound source is the string (wire) which menabuhnya technique by way of quotation.
These types of instruments in view of the shape and color of sound, there are three kinds, namely siter, siter successor (the smaller size of the siter), and clempung (size bigger than the siter).
In a dish klenengan or concert musicians and puppet accompaniment siter function as angrengga song.

At one end of the inflatable section attached at the lips was named jamangan cap layer which serves to draw air causing air vibrations that cause noise or sound.
The technique in inflatable ring in a way. In the tradition of musicians, flute there are two types, namely shape Slendro barreled flute that has a similar our-hole distance, while the barreled pelog with five holes with different distances.
There is also a flute with the six holes that can be used for barrel pelog and Slendro.
To flute the barrel Slendro in karawitan Jawatimuran if all four holes in the lid and on the inflatable to the pressure being generated tone is barrel lu (3), whereas in common with musicians Jawatengahan barrel ro (2).

Angklung Angklung covered here are the diatonic scale were found by Mr. Daeng Sutigna also called angklung Padaeng. The structure of the instrument made of bamboo tubes angklung. The principle of the resulting sound is the sound of a bamboo tube that has been hit, and the musical instrument Angklung bamboo tube was "beaten" by vibrating angklung.
The sound remains sound bamboo angklung who was beaten only when angklung vibrated with the frequency of meetings or more often then the 'impression' o'clock become obscured.
If the analogy with the bass at the bamboo in which the size of the bamboo that is used quite large (diameter and height are bigger than angklung) then when the bass at sound (hit), then the impression o'clock already almost gone and that sounded like a bamboo tube as a blown like wind instrument.
Based on How To Play.
Based on how to play the Angklung there are two basic principles that are known so far that is vibrated and di'centok 'or hit short (like technique in violin pizzicato, or plucked.) From the way around with the sound vibrated angklung judged to have good sound quality if the tremors more meetings. If angklung not played often enough then the impression of bamboo that has been hit very dominant if angklung players are few (10-12 people) it is less convenient sound heard. At that meeting the characters sound vibrations angklung can not be fully analogous to the sound of a blown tube (bass analogy bamboo o'clock) because the air is vibrated from the sound effect at that sound like a combination of voice angklung blow and blow. In the second angklung tunings sound and at this aspect is concerned.
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